Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Homemade Nativity

I am NOT a crafty mom. I would love to be creative and crafty and make tons of fun projects with my kids, but that's just not me. Thankfully there are lots of creative mamas who blog about the fun projects they do with their kids so that no-so creative mamas like me can borrow their ideas. I saw this nativity on Pink and Green Mama and I knew my kids would love to make their own. I was right! I gave some direction, but they did most of it on their own and they had a great time. Buzz set it proudly on our entryway table for daddy to see as soon as he got home.
Buzz made Joseph and baby Jesus. Boo made Mary and the angel. They both rounded out the scene with some critter counters serving as the livestock. We had a great time working on it together and it turned out much cuter than anything you can buy at the store :)

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